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Parental workshops 2022/23

The school has presented at two different National forums over the year and we would like to share with you this work and some additional workshop. We plan to hold a number of workshops during each term and over the year, helping provide information and support for you as parents/carers. So that we can work together to support children so that they are ready to learn throughout their lives, ready to play a full part in life and work, are ready to be citizens of Wales and the World and ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

Autumn term.

Tuesday 13th September – Workshop 1- Curriculum for Wales presentation in the hall followed by  Meet the teacher. Presentation from Mr Allen at 5pm, meet the teacher 5:30pm.

Tuesday 18th October – Workshop 2-  Assessment for Learning – Growth Mindset language5pm

Tuesday 15th November – Workshop 3 Additional Learning needs reform and Universal provision.  5pm

Spring term

Tuesday 31st January – Workshop 4 WNT (Welsh National Test) data – Saundersfoot CP use of personalized date to improve planning, teaching and learning.5pm

Tuesday 28th   February – Workshop 5 – The reading journey. 5pm

Tuesday 21st March – Workshop 6 – Welsh in a bilingual setting. 5pm