Croeso i Flwyddyn Un! Welcome to Year 1!

Year 1 News…

We love the outdoors!

We love the outdoors!

We love to use our outdoor environment and we have been busy using natural resources to help us with our learning. Our favourite so far was collecting acorns and using them to help us with our maths. 

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We have been using Talk 4 writing to improve our oracy and writing skills. We have created a story map of 'Supertato' to help retell the story and focussing on key words to increase our vocabulary. We will be using our innovation skills to create our own 'Supertato'...

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What’s happening this term?

Croeso nol! 

Welcome back to a new school year. It is lovely to be back after the summer and to welcome the children into their new class.  

Our daily timetable focuses on Literacy and Numeracy in the morning and in the afternoon, we focus on Welsh, Humanities, Health and Well-being and Expressive arts as well as cross curricular approach.  

Children are encouraged to read at home and also take part in group reading activities during the week to develop specific reading skills.  

Welsh is part of our daily focusing incidental Welsh and encouraging the children to speak Welsh whenever possible. We use our special Fflic and Fflac and Seren and Sbarc to help us.  

Cool Time (Choose our own learning) is part of the daily routine where children choose their own learning and reinforce concepts learned in a focus group. The children are also sharing, taking turns, talking/discussing ideas and cooperating during this time. The children are encouraged to talk about which skills they have used and what they have achieved.  

The children have access to sand and water play, outdoor mud kitchen, round house, a large field with a small woodland area where they enjoy outdoor based activities. There is also a log circle where they enjoying listening to stories and participating in circle activities.  



Year 1 Photo Gallery